Aircraft Carriers - WT Discussion

I saddly guess they gonna let France on the side (how original) when they gonna add CVs, that’s sad because even if we don’t have SO MUCH choices (like other countries), we still have somes:

Commandant-Teste, a hydroplane-carrier, could be fun for low tier:

Joffre (2 were to be built but cancelled during ww2. But one of them has been started, so it’s a possibility after the konkrast thing)

Béarn (1928)

Clémenceau (1957)

And of course the actual one, Charles de Gaulle, only nuclear powered CV outside the USA.

And here for the curious how would looks like the next CV for France, the PANG (Scheduled for 2036)

I don’t talk about all CVs, we also got some gived by Ally country for some times.


I think this is a very interesting way to implement player controlled Aircraft Carriers to War Thunder. Some bits of this also give me the vibes of the old Battlestations: Pacific, a game which also shows how Carriers may be feasible.

I would personally love for player controlled carriers to eventually make it to the game, as it’s a piece of history that really intrigues me. I can’t wait to control a IJN Shokaku in several years from now.

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Some quick thoughts on these before the year ends:

-USS Essex being in her earliest configuration possible makes some sense, being the lead ship of her class. Being the first carrier available to players in WTM( based on her previously added economic data ) she 's probably intended to be the benchmark " lowest " capability one, after all.

-IJN Zuikaku seems to be JPN 's " late war " carrier, but that might not be as much of a difference as it would be for other carrier-operating countries - the capabilities of her airgroup did not change as drastically over the course of the war.
The antiaircraft rocket barrage might be interesting, if it 's modelled - similar weapons have been in the files here in WT for other ships and are still unused.

-Even in her earliest configuration USS Midway is a massive increase in capability over all other carriers yet found in WT Mobile, except one: the USS Forrestal.

  • In the other direction, IJN Kaga and USS Lexington are below the capability level I was expecting aircraft carriers to begin at in WT.
    Even though Kaga is reportedly in post-reconstruction form, her airgroup at the time still looked like this:

Which, well. imo these would struggle to destroy ships that could not be done in by Kaga 's own guns, or those in that size range having virtually any antiaircraft weaponry beyond " none ".

USS Lexington(CV-2) seems to be in a similar, but slightly worse position:
Again w/ the low flight performance/too-small payload airgroup, but also 1929 was a very specific year in her service: the first one for her to have close-range antiaircraft guns onboard. Six 7.62mm machineguns in two triple-mounts.

Though it 's probably no accident by WTM 's development team that they’re represented as earlier fits since they’re 8in-armed - that’ll be a noticeable capability on Mobile 's small playable areas compared to more modern AC 's. In WT …

Lexington is unusual here since her model has already been transferred to WT, where we can see that her configuration is the mid-1941 to early-1942 one - the combination of 8in gun turrets and 1.1in AA gives it away.
The capabilities of the ship and it 's airgroup over a decade later are very different from what would be implied by this year shown in the files.

Mobile is probably closer to the addition of Aircraft Carriers than we could be, they’ve now completed the addition of all battleships in the files during the Beta period( and representatives of all battleship capability progression from Dreadnought to the end too ) and have a typically monthly schedule of update release compared to WT 's DEC-MAR break. It 's possible they could be made available there as early as the end of next month, almost certainly it’ll be before the middle of 2024. When they’ll come to WT is harder to predict, though it 's reasonable( and ambiguous ) to say that it’ll be after Mobile gets them. Probably after the addition of 16in-armed battleships starts here (?)


@Motherhen357 I’m just wondering, how likely do you think it is that playable carriers will come to both War Thunder Mobile and (after obviously longer time) to “normal” war thunder?

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Hi, thanku for the question ! After the extended control inputs were added to WT, it has appeared that this shipclass is intended to be made playable in both games.

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Names of HQ carriers in the files. Includes techtree icon and statcard extended names:

The WW2 american carriers have refit date specified, and it does not appear that IJN Shokaku has any names for the HQ model currently.


While it is interesting it isn’t something new, these names are there for several updates (well at least for the update before). So I wouldn’t say that this is any indicator.

Maybe it has something to with how these have secondary, AA armament modeled which is same system as player ships so they are implemented as player vessels, so they have stat cards? IDK

Thank you for so much detailed info, and keeping us up to date on game files stuff! The things in WT mobile that have yet to make it over here (WWII BBs, and especially subs and carriers) are always interesting. Hopefully it’s not too long until we see more about them!

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I’ll keep watching, just like the rest of us here. We’ll see if I’m right abt this:

In most battles no. In specific cases it would perform fine.

Size comparison of the new IJN Mutsu to the LQ IJN Ryujo, by


Woah. Is the low quality model to scale? I knew Ryuujou was small, but I didn’t realize she was this tiny.

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afaik yes, it really drives home how dangerous being deck crew on these ships must have been in those famous images of aircraft all parked in clusters warming up.

Archiving from the old forum, here 's a size demonstration of the F2A-3 ( 10.67m wingspan ) on the LQ USS Enterprise(CV-6) ( 33.38m usable deck width )

And the Enterprise beside the LQ USS Wasp(CV-7) from that same thread:


WT Mobile took another step closer to adding their carriers:

Interestingly, it seems this icon is used when controlling the aircraft in the airgroup, rather than when using the launch ship:

A revised heads-up display solely for carrier use is now stored here:
War-Thunder-Mobile-Datamine/gui.vromfs.bin_u/reactivegui/hud/strategymode at bf9d0aa39860310a2e29be414ed4f4ce285bef8e · gszabi99/War-Thunder-Mobile-Datamine · GitHub

Take a look through, there 's interesting features:


Very intersting indeed! Flights of four aircraft seems appropriate too.

Hopefully after this appears in the mobile version. Then it will appear in the version of the original War Thunder


Definitely interesting…and their mechanics could be finely tuned there and refined before it comes to the base game.


From the previous addition of USS Essex, it appears as though the intention is to have the number of aircraft in an airborne group be specific to the carrier launching them, and/or their classification as bombers/fighters/etc.:

It is interesting, however, to compare this new carrier-specific HUD to the overarching support_plane file - as implemented now AC 's have three buttons allocated to switch between their airgroups, and one to return to themselves:

But the "supportPlaneConfig.nut " file referenced to use that mechanic has four airgroup buttons allocated - a duplicate fightergroup is attached:

Might be added later for the supercarriers such as Midway and Forrestal, which have been in WTM 's files.

It would make sense to believe that 's the plan, the buttons for controlling carriers were also added to WT not too long ago.


More nuance is always better, neat!


All of that stuff from the mobile datamine seems promising, really hope we get them in the base game soon. Naval is boring when its only big ships slogging it out imo, we need carriers and submarines for naval to really shine. (I-400 when)

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