“Air Superiority” Update trailer

The lower one is a IRL pic to show that it had more hardpoints than it does in the trailer.
the trailer doesnt show IRIS-T´s

That’s an IRL picture lol

lower pic is irl dude

Damn, got me again.

That image is not form the trailer. That is why i thought it couldnt be IRIS-T.

IRL Yes, probably IRIS-T

ur good dude xD

Does Sweden use 9Ms? I thought they used 9L/I-1 (which are functionally identical anyways lol)

Same difference. But yes.

That is assuming Gaijin can be bothered with Aim-9L/i modeling and just slap Aim-9M on there for ease.

Britain is still waiting for our modified Aim-9Ls, most likely for that reason

F-4S sales 📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈

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Israel will receive f15?

Almost certainly, they had F-15As after all.

Are we sure the gripen in the trailer is a C? I know smin said the C is coming but I don’t see the air refueling port. It looks like an A

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Can I be your superiority? 🥺

I’m glad they weren’t added. Missiles like the AMRAAM and R-77 outrange and outperform what we have in game by a considerable amount. It’d be painful to fight in an uptier, especially if the F-15 and Su-27 were the aircraft to get them.

We don’t really have “5th gen missiles”. The AMRAAM is just 4th gen and with longer ranger and stuff, nothing huge (yes, like sub-gens from the c to the d, but that’s like the AIM 9 D to AIM 9 G).
We don’t have the AIM 260 yet.

Cinematically that’s a very good trailer, but in terms of content? Pretty bad.
We see the F-15 and Su-27 far too many times for far too long. The T-90 appears for, what, 6 times? The Abrams and Leopard each appear just once very briefly. Mirage makes several appearances, that’s okay.
But what is this whole update? Just half a dozen vehicles? Why tease a T-90 variant when Russia’s top tier is already congested and is one of if not the best in the game? Why not tease the new Italian, Japanese, British, or Israeli vehicles that are coming this update?

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5 th gen is ASRAAM, IRIS-T, Aim-9X, Python-5.

AMRAAM is 4th gen. Only slighty better than Aim-7M

This generation thing is a marketing scheme anyways.

It really doesn’t matter if AMRAAM is 4th or 5th or whatever

Yeah my guy :)

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I wonder if it would be a good idea for Gaijin to limit the R-27s to the 4 fuselage hardpoints, at least for the time being…