Why are there no AHEAD for the premium CV9035 DK? I paid real money for a vehicle that i presumed have the very basic functions but for this one there is a crucial part missing. Where is the AHEAD ABM ammunition? Following the roadmap i would presume it would have received it by now or in short time regarding other similar vehicles having it received.
It´s getting real frustrating that no technical moderator can answere the question here or on the bug forum. This is not how you treat your playerbase and definitely not how you treat paying customers.
AHEAD is not advertised anywhere on the product advertisement.
You know exactly what you were purchasing beforehand.
You didn’t spend 5 minutes checking what your premium had before buying it?
guy here directly starts demanding things when abm only starting to get operational jesus
Can you prove it used ahead /abm in the first place?
Does the DK have the IRST that most cvs lack to programm it right?
Besides that seriously use one minute to look at stuff first befoire buying it jesus. dont act so entitled
I knew what it would be released with but i guessed it would be implemented after release or some type of statement regarding it. Also how about you sit down in the boat and read before typing a comment that lack adequate information. Here have a look at this product sheet:
“Fires all NATO qualified ammunition”
Here have a look at this video where they ACTUALLY fires it (1:25):
CV9035DK (IKK/IFV) Shooting (re-edit) (youtube.com)
Indeed i did check it out and i happily bought it since i strongly thought that surely they can not implement a premium vehicle that lacks such an important function, which is common knowledge for the vehicle. I did not think it would be implemented right away with it but i thought it would come later along the roadmap.
How about you sit down, take a breath and act maturely. I have shown no entitlement and since its release and following the roadmap i would have thought it would be implemented by now since multiple other vehicles have received it.
I dont have to prove anythingn at all regarding this function since it is both common knowledge for any one working or is interested in vehicles of the sort. But for your sake i will refer you to my first answere.
The gepard can fire AHEAD theoreticaly as well, doesnt mean it can programm it
You have proved nothing, being able to fire it isnt equal to be able to use it efficiantly
Your clip at 1:25 doesnt show ABM either
Orignial vehicle Puma, KF41 has it because they share the gun.
The only vehicle that received ABM newly is the chinese PGZ09 thats 3 vehicles nearly nothing
your picture from earlier doesnt state it can use ahead neither does the clip
Another example DM11, programmable HE round , everyone can fire it in nato. But not everybody can programm the damn thing
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There are videos of them saying it when interviewed.
nr 1 updated my previous comment a bit added some stuff
nr 2 an interview is no reliant primary or secondary source
Please provide relevant sources
Currently in game like all cvs the dk lacks the IRST to even programm ABM on moving targets
Just to make it clear, your not saying they dont fire programmable ammunition i presume? That is proven beyond all doubt.
A officially released video from the countrys defence force is more than enough if you also can see them fire it. There are videos from both Danish and Swedish armed forces talking about programmable ammunition types.
I agree that proof must be put forward but in this case i think it is more than proven. Also because of the current world situation there are in generall very little information out there about the CV’s.
Chef, ignore Alvis and somebody, they’re stoic Cs some days.
Allow me to level with you.
The reason you won’t see programmable ammunition is purely because of the BR they chose to give to the CV9035DK.
By all rights, every single IFV from the EU should have the selection to use HOT missiles at minimum, but we won’t see that, because Gaijin, the company, has opted to not give them that sort of advantage over tech tree models that you must grind for or pay out GE.
It’s a way of withholding ‘the advantage’ and thus making it so those who grind for tech tree options (investing time playing the game and keeping player count up) can be ‘rewarded’ for their efforts.
Premium players, while being given entry into the top tier, are being given that at the price of real money and the price of not having ‘the best’. Trade-off, you get ‘the best’ in RP gathering for grinding the tech tree.
it can fire it most likely yes, i dont if it can programm it automaticaly or if its in use
yes but you dont see them fire it, your video clip is a lot of smoke which could have been made from different types of ammunition not necesarily ABM
doesnt mean anything, those arent reputable sources and could have been done in other context for all i know
sadly its not enough, you have not given primary or 2 secondary sources that prove the cvs fire ABM and gets automatic programming
Well thank you for the reply and insightful answere.
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Like I mentioned above Shiki, even with sources, they’ll actively hinder premiums from being given such advanced rounds. For balance’s sake. If enough sources are provided, maybe they’ll give it, but it’ll come with a BR increase and a probable ammo/repair cost increase.
thats wrong, it lacks the IRST and the chinese pgz09 is at 8.3 with AHEAD, the BR ahs nothing to do with it
And the Chinese PGZ09 is a tech tree variant, not a premium you buy.
You’re welcome. For what it’s worth, I reviewed it, it’s a solid IFV. Just use it more for recon and you got a solid side-thumper for sideshots against most everything in your BR. Mind your ammo and mind the .50s, though, those will crew kill.
still has nothing to do with it, vilkas etc all ahve their IRST, as it currently stands the sources for cvs arent enough to provide it. Look at Puma /2S38 the anti air capability realy doesnt get included into their br for those types of vehicles