Adding Round shattering physics and More armor to Abrams

Good! The effort would be appreciated by many players.

T-80 cannot penetrate the turret cheeks of an M1A1 HC, AIM, Click-Bait, M1A2, SEP or SEP v2.

If you believe otherwise, share evidence that supports your case.

Inexperienced players are easily identified by them overrating the importance of armour protection.

Both the T-80U and other Soviet/Russian MBTs are easily one-shot-killed due to their abysmal survivability:

And massively better reload rate.
And better turret traverse.
And better gun depression.
And safer ammo stowage.
And more crew.
And significantly faster reverse speed.
And faster backwards traverse.
And having neutral steering.
And having a massively faster gun elevation speed.
And having better penetration.

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question, if they designed the turret ring to shatter APFSDS then why didn they just design the whole tank to shatter APFSDS rounds if that was an option?

Doesn’t outway the downsides

  • Reload
  • Turret traverse

Doesn’t matter if you just use your brain

  • Ammo stowage
  • Reverse speed

Doesn’t even matter at all

  • Neutral steering
  • Penetration at toptier

The only meaningful advantages

  • More crew
  • Better gun depression

Wanna know what really matters?

  • Tiny weakspots
  • Being the fastest tank on the battlefield
  • Tiny sillhouette
  • Quiet engine
  • Reload being completely un-effected by fires and dead crew

Technically not possible becasue the extreme angles would make it have to be practicaly a knife

First one is picture clearly showing it can pen

The second one is most common, I get jumped my multiple coming over the ridge and they get good angle on me.

Whats funny is russian tanks have a 2x faster reload(about) in game than IRL

Do you have any sources for that claim?

Just saying ‘‘Doesn’t matter’’ to the long list of advantages the M1 holds isn’t very convincing.

By that same metric I can simply take the advantages of the T-80U and claim none of them matter.

The T-80U’s weakspots are neither tiny nor difficult to hit. That’s ignoring the fact that you can simply overmatch their armour and watch the turret fly off.
Their combination of horrendous survivability and easily struck weakspots guarantees you cannot rely on it’s armour.


Furthermore, inexperienced players can generally be identified by them overrating armour protection. In this case I can see you’re very inexperienced at top-tier, this explains the flawed reasoning behind your arguments.

Here’s a compilation created by editing together every single shot taken against a Russian high tier vehicle. There is no cherry-picking here.

  • The overall data is: 74% of shots taken result in a one-hit-kill vs Russian MBT’s.
  • 71% of shots taken were via side armour. People are far too obsessed with frontal protection, when the majority of times it doesn’t even play a role.

‘‘T-80 armor is lacking, M1A2 have penned me in the turret cheek and UFP’’


‘‘What do you mean I picked extremely silly angles?!’’

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T-64 minimum reload cycle

T-64A tech data

I cant read Russian bro, i Also showed videos in another post defending my claim

translated autoloader cyclogram

Reload rate is 7.1 seconds, 7.5 seconds when more time is taken to rotate an additional shell type as depicted in this graph.

You claimed the reload rate is ‘‘twice faster’’ in game.
So where’s your source stating the Russian vehicles have a reload rate of 14.2 seconds?

Videos aren’t sources.

By that same metric I can show the following videos:

Videos aren’t sources, because they can be sped up/slowed down/doctored in other ways.

People overrate the armour of certain tanks by a considerable amount. It just weighs tanks down sometimes, and makes them worse. As long as autocannons can’t pen it, it has enough armour imo.

I said because, I knew it was significantly faster in war thunder then in real life, thats why I said that. Those videos show 4.5 second reload 9f abrams just as reflected in game. I dont see your point, the can be altered but i doubt you can speed them up by 3-4 seconds without considerable audio loss and compression. Im honestly tired of people arguing over this subject, I originaly responded light heartedly because I believed Reload speed isnt a problem.


  • 4 Crew members
  • Very high top speed
  • Very fast reload (2.9 seconds)
  • Fast turret traverse (20.5 degrees/second)
  • Very good verticle stabilizer (15 mph)
  • 22.78 power/weight ratio
  • Free repair cost
  • 50sp spawn cost
  • 4 machine guns
  • Small silhouette


  • 5 Crew members
  • Somewhat sluggish
  • Very long reload (14.5 seconds)
  • Fast turret traverse (24.0 degrees/second)
  • No verticle stabilizer
  • 14.26 power/weight ratio
  • 6,813 repair cost
  • More than double spawncost (couldn’t find exact values)
  • 2 machine guns
  • very large silhouette

As you can see, M2A4 is objectively a better tank than the T32
M2A4 has 8 upsides
T32 has 2 upsides

It doesn’t matter what the upsides were (according to your logic) it just matters that it has alot of upsides.

No, you said: ‘‘russian tanks have a 2x faster reload(about) in game than IRL’’
You’ve failed to support this claim on multiple occasions now.

If you have an actual argument instead of whatever that was, get back to me, because this is not even worth responding to.