Adding an Australian Tech Tree

Especially weird because depending on what was needed, Israel could have been an excellent sub tree for at least three tech trees in game: the USA, obvious connection but they don’t need it. The UK, again obvious connection and they would have benefited from the addition. And France, especially given the early technology transfer, which would also have needed such an addition.

I think Au/NZ would work best as a regional tree taking in some of the other nations in SE Asia that wouldn’t fit so comfortably in Japan or China but have vehicles worth including in the long term (eg Singaporean Skyhawk upgrades).

Imo having a Commonwealth/Empire tree would be too global in nature and would either be thinly spread across many, many different countries picking vehicles from every supplier worldwide, or go the other way and be dominated by just a couple of big players Au & India at the top of the pile.

By spreading out a little it would avoid the Israeli syndrome of being great in theory but thin in reality and suffering from a very compacted player base. But where would Israeli tree expansion come from? Au/NZ would have them beat on that.

Comparison with Italy is probably also fair. An ‘Australasia’ tree would gain in the same way that Italy makes up some ground, player and vehicle wise, when adding suitable countries to make it a wider Southern European/Mediterranean faction.

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Australia should never be in any other nations tree other then Britain.

But it is and is part of why this thread exists.

They should have to the UK sub-tree over SA but it’s too late now.

With all the other statements Gaijin has made it’s unlikely a tech-tree will receive another sub-tree. when looking at how sub-trees are done and the limits of tech-trees Gaijin has told us.

So our options now are an independent tree or sub-tree in another related nation. (like Canada)

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But not in another nations tree like Japan. And I’ve already discussed my thoughts on a ANZAC Canadian tree. It’s U.k. Or not at all imo.

Or folder Au vehicles along other similar UK ones. There is no good reason for more foldering not to be possible, though overall they will be “limited interest” vehicles.


The problem is All sub-trees have followed the same pattern, added a 5th line into the tree and have yet to not.

Well yes, your idea could work and I won’t discredit it but the pattern says it can’t so until Gaijin does something else for a sub-trees like the folder concept it is impossible for me.

From what I understand you are saying to effectively leave out the vehicles closer to C&P like their MBTs but that’s a disservice to representing said nation. And can’t happen anyway.

tldr I don’t have a problem with your idea it’s just not something I’ll push forward with the fact I have.

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In the context of Gaijin adding.

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Its already lumped in with the UK mate,ACL and all that.I cant see that changing. A load of copy paste if the Aussie armour and artillery museam youtube pages are anything to go by.

Fair enough, Anzac being the name given to ww1 soldiers from aus and nz who stormed gallipolli (created 1914, served 1914-1918) not the 2 nations in modern time btw.

The tech tree linked is interesting and not a half assed concept imo. Makes use of both nations but imo misses the mark of creativity. It had just the basics where as if it were to be added as a tree aus/nz or aus/nz/can (pseudo-commonwealth)

Id personally like to see vehicles like, the nz produced valentine mkIII CS, I would say the bob semple tank but that’s purely shits and giggles has no practical place in wt. The ASLAV (modified US Lav 25), NZLAV (Modified Canadian Lav III Kodiak) etc whilst some vehicles from either country doesn’t have much use case they still have a use. EG: NZLAV main arm is a m252 25mm chain gun (same as the M3 Bradley) I cannot tell you the exact armor mm of the NZLAV but it does get thicker ammor than its Canadian counterpart the LAV III.

I specifically go into detail about the NZLAV because I saw a (old) forums poll (2019) about adding a nz/aus tree a majority vote yes close followed by better representation of the two nations, with no out right last, and one of the biggest criticisms is about the NZLAV, despite the fact it’s a arguably better and more mobile vehicle. Also it seems the people who disagree with the idea don’t really understand just how much the 2 country’s have differed imports from the original most times making a donor into a whole new vehicle. Sure fundamentally most of the vehicles are c+p but so is most of every tree mainly looking at the Sherman’s, (which are in excess and in every tree btw) there is plenty on offer if you actually look into what was done with the imports rather than just seeing most of them are imports.

I don’t think there would be the need for pseudo-commonwealth (aus/nz/can) if the tree was done true to heart and added much of the cooler “originals” (seeing when you produce in house something it’s original, and all modified for that time where in house basically turning the imports into donor. Which can be observed through out basically every nation through out time)

TL:DR aus/nz should be added as a tree is gaijin do it properly by using the in country produced, or at least better represent aus/nz especially nz as there isn’t a single nz item in the game, from decals to vehicles.

Thank you 😊


Quick edit: “ I specifically go into detail about the NZLAV because I saw a (old) forums poll (2019) about adding a nz/aus tree a majority vote yes close followed by better representation of the two nations, with no out right last, and one of the biggest criticisms is about the NZLAV, despite the fact it’s a arguably better and more mobile vehicle.” than the M3 Bradley, not saying it’s exactly the best tank but it works in game. So the NZLAV should be able to work around the same or slightly better

And basically every vehicle that could be added meets the criteria of being a real vehicle, no concepts and they have as far as I’m aware all seen combat at least once so are a tried and true vehicle

Yes and an Australian server perhaps?

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I haven’t ran into many issues with nill oce servers but it would be really nice seeing basically every other developer doesn’t neglect the region, that being said Crossout had oce servers once but the peaks were short so they removed them, I’d have to assume same thing with wt.

(Side note) I stand corrected on my comment earlier there is 2 nz vehicles in the game the strike master Mk. 88 (BP Jet season 13, so unfort for any new players or none bp grinders not obtainable until later down the line and they’re lucky to score it on the market, provided they can access it, bit of a sad choice due to the uniqueness of origin) and the hmnzs Leander (upon release didn’t even have the correct flag but was corrected), but also they should add the A-4K Skyhawk 😊 (the last Skyhawk of nz 🥲)

They did in recent times show some love and add part of the South Island as a naval map, so why not chuck us some more love instead of the volleys of already dominant nations?

We get neglected server wise and involvement wise? That kinda hurts can defo live with one but both?

I personally think that’s a lil to much

It’s been confirmed that Australia is really looking into getting some new armor. New SPGs, and new infantry support vehicles too.

New Models

  • Hawkei NASAMS - AA vehicle
  • Hanwha K9 Vidar - SPG class (first new SPG since the Yeramba)
  • Rheinmetall Lynx IFV
  • Rheinmetall Lynx CSV

Classic Models

  • Bendigo Ordnance Factory Yeramba SP25
  • General Dynamics LAV III
  • Land Rover Series 2A 1/4 ton 4x4 106mm - SPG class
  • Leopard AS1+
  • Matilda Dozer

There is some great aircraft from Australia/New Zealand’s past too, that would represent Australia really well.

The Aircraft
CAC CA-15 Kangaroo Prototype
CAC CA-27 Sabre - Fighter (Based on a modified F-86F)
CAC CA-32 Bell OH-58D - Helicopter
CAC Canberra B.20 - (B.2 model with additional fuel tanks)
General Dynamics F-111C Aardvark

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Found a few missed model and just a couple corrections to your vehicle list

CA-1 Wirraway
CA-12 Boomerang Mk I
CA-13 Boomerang Mk II
CA-23 Prototype
CA-29 Dassault Mirage IIID
Canberra B.20 - (Modified version of B.2)

Possible new Aussie additions
BAE Systems Hawk 127
CA-4 Wackett Bomber Prototype
CA-24 Hawker P.1081 Prototype “Australian Fighter”
CA-30 Macchi MB-326H
CA-34 AAC A10 Wamira - (Project canceled not long after completion)

New Zealand Air Force
BAC Strikemaster Mk.88
Beechcraft T-6 Texan II
PAC CT/4 Airtrainter - (F Variant has underwing hardpoints)
Supermarine Walrus Mk. I

Common wealth tree is more realistic as everyone has acknowledged. (CanAuNz) the problem with that is there’s already Canadian, Australian and New Zealand littered through the trees.

Additionally NZ wouldn’t be a sub tree to Aus in any world. They would as Aus would be a sub tree to either Britain or America. Same with Canada. Which all of them kind of… kind of are as is.

I personally like the idea of the Commonwealth tree as it would bring the many great things NZ and Aus have made and utilised (ground, air and sea) to the game for the fellow oceanic players to enjoy. Even just having some of them added to the game would be nice. The problem is there isn’t actually a need for many of the things us 3 country’s can give. Canada is mainly copy past, and nz and aus. Are mainly home manufactured version of already “existing” vehicles in the game (all be it better seeing often faster, better armed, and better armoured (also being better designed for specific jobs) than their American and British counter part.

Then modern day neither of the 3 country’s really have anything new to offer other than just a different version of an already existing American, British, European or Canadian vehicle.

Besides they don’t care about us we don’t even have servers anymore and haven’t for there about 6 years.

TLDR: love the idea just won’t work sadly also bring back oce servers for gods sake.

How is that a problem when we literally gave an Israeli tree in game.

As of now the UK or US cannot get sub-trees.
The only form of sub-tree we have gotten by now is a single full line with a few vehicles elsewhere in the tree.
This leaves UK and US with no space for a sub-tree in either air or ground.

There is plenty that Australia and Canada could give in both aviation and ground.
Low tier would be covered by both, mid tier would still be majority unique and high tier would start to get more copy paste, but would still have large scale modifications as you mention that fundementally make the vehicles in question unique.
The game isn’t about top tier only. When looking at the bigger picture then the combination of these three countries into one tree makes for a good concept, regardless of whether top tier is less unique than some others.


BAC StrikeMaster MK.88 was in the battlepass a while ago.

The t-6 doesn’t fit the war part of war thunder unlike the Mk.88 it is purely a training aircraft that lacks all armament capability’s.

I cannot find anything to back up your claim that the PAC CT/4 Airtrainter (F version/model) had support for any capability’s. All links that I go through including the official manufacturer’s etc. State it was a aerobatic twin seat aircraft (basic trainer(just like the Texan))

Ik the current state of Israel is terrible. You don’t have to tell me.

(I can’t get anymore quotes to work sorry)

As of now in game files there is planned sub for USA, uk and other nations. (There is room, incase you didn’t notice there has been a lot of foldering in recent times making room in tts)

Like I did say I love the idea as it’s been raised for a common wealth tt (I would really like for the uniqueness to be properly highlighted and virtually experienced as such) Canada, Australia and New Zealand during WW2 (where most tt start besides naval) was mainly USA/UK supplied equipment as I stated and you acknowledged both NZ and Aus remanufactured a lot of the stuff supplied to be more fitting for requirements we saw fit, the only pure Australian thing on offer which is in the game already is the AC tanks. The “Aussy” planes of ww2 were plans etc supplied by Britain as it was easier for aus to manufacture these specific planes in shore for their own supply rather than ship them across the world.

The only real thing we have to offer is tanks/ground, because they’re actually unique, all 3 nations planes are just copy paste. And yes agreed as I did say top is copy paste too. Yes top is not all there is to the game. However a lot of people care that the end result isn’t just copy paste from another nation. One of the reasons Israel isn’t to popular is the fact 90% of the tree is copy paste type stuff.

If the tree were to be made the end result would be USA ground top, and USA/Europe top air. But if an off put for the grind to anyone as those 2 are in every tree basically.

The end result while cool and different low-mid would be the appealing part and top would fizzle out the player base and be unappealing to players not from those country’s. Thus making it a bound failure. (So because gaijin want money not financially viable)

The unfortunate thing is if we don’t want to end up as Israel has then we will have to stay as bits and bobs of other trees where respective.