Abrams sep 1

You should contact @Conraire. He’s working on detailed report about the Abrams now.

Thanks, I just did. Honestly the Abrams armor (and/or doing basic research for War Thunder) is probably my ASD special interest right now so I’ve got the motivation to get things fixed lol

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Well done, Make it happen!

Is this a real thing? I wouldn’t mind a m1a2 like this?

Slightly off topic but does anyone have the actual weight of the SepV2? I have 3 army sources all stating different weights but all above 70 tons

https://www.dau.edu/sites/default/files/Migrate/EventAttachments/801/Army%20-%20CRS%20MTA%20panal.pdf 76.4 tons

https://asc.army.mil/web/portfolio-item/abrams-main-battle-tank/ 71.2 tons

https://www.dote.osd.mil/Portals/97/pub/reports/FY2017/army/2017m88a2hercules.pdf?ver=2019-08-19-113850-007#:~:text=The%20Abrams%20System%20Enhancement%20Package,even%20further%20by%205%20tons. “Approximately 74 tons”

Idk, maybe? I haven’t looked at anything newer than like 2013 lol

Didnt happen, yet.

hi guys found this document but i cant source it, but it has armour values for the hull

I’m busy at the moment, but for anyone who wants to look at the sources listed here they are:

“RESOURCES Alliant Techsystems Inc. (ATK) Web site Army Technology - Current Projects Web site Defense Update Web site DRS Technologies, Inc. General Dynamics
Web site Global Security.org FAS Land Warfare Systems Downloads FM 100-5 Operations, in Adobe Reader Format (PDF) FM 17-15 Tank Platoon, in Adobe Reader Format (PDF) Future Tank Gun Systems, as they were by 1997, in Adobe Reader Format (PDF) Lessons Learned - Operation Iraq Freedom 2003, in Adobe Reader Format (PDF) General
Dynamics’ Brochure on the M1A2 Abrams, in Adobe Reader Format (PDF) M1A2 General Dynamics’ movie - in MPEG format (10,379 Kb) The ARMOR Site! is © Copyright 1997-2008 Fabio Prado . All Rights Reserved.”

The document is rather poorly formatted and organized, but who knows maybe some of these sources will help.

yea i dont play US, just stumbled upon it and thought it might be of use. gl guys

  • 71.2 short tons sounds about right for non-TUSK equipped SEPv2s
  • 74 short tons is probably TUSK equipped if I had to guess, which lines up with the in-game weight
  • 76.4 short tons is most likely either TUSK + Trophy or just Trophy itself as the SEPv2 did serve as a test bed for Trophy.

Just my personal guesses though.

It seems that the only values going over armor estimates are from a “Tank Protection Levels” website that I can’t find online.

One of the sources it links to mentions “M1 Abrams Main Battle Tank 1982-92, Stevens Zaloga, Peter Sarson, New Vanguard, Osprey Publishing, 1993,” but it’s behind a paywall everywhere. Does anyone have a copy of the book/pamphlet?