Abrams missing a sizable amount of armor in front of the Breach

I can’t say for certainty without physically being able to inspect that piece unfortunately. I can make a guess though. I am a machinist by trade and in order to have counter bored holes, there must be material there to be machined out. You can see the socket bolts in the red circled areas. Alternatively you can machine out the inner structure for weight but I wouldn’t see the point in doing that as that adds to waste and machining time. Plus it wouldn’t serve as armor.

Compared to the upper turret plate, it visually matches in thickness. I’m guessing gaijin was able to measure that properly from the museum off the M1 so I would assume it’s correct. I don’t think the museum would have allowed them to remove anything so I can understand why it was not modeled in game correctly. I don’t know the correct shaped used based off the photos but using what Gaijin modeled for the Nera packs, I’d say that thickness may indeed be accurate.

The screws are fastened to that back piece that I thought wasn’t modeled in game. It is indeed a flat vertical surface so the backside of the nera backplate must also be flat.


Rough model to explain what I mean

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I am right in my assessment. This confirms it

New bug report posted



Any mods I should try and contact?


breach armour at top tier is cardboard on purpose


Day 3, no reply on bug site. No reply from pmed mods.


as always

Do you realize that this layout is the exact model that it is currently in game?

You’re completely overlooking the part where the backside of the nera pack has a 5" thick armor plate which is NOT the exact layout in game

Unless you mean the gun trunnion which is in game it doesnt show a 5’’ plate behind the nera

Gunshield → Nera plates → 5" thick armor (not modeled and is missing) → cannon breach

It is modelled in game…
Opera Instantánea_2024-12-16_174339_upload.wikimedia.org

That image is for the base M1. The armor for the gun shield on the base M1 would be different than the M1A1 and later for multiple reasons.

The Trunnion Rotor mount on the 105mm is a solid milled slab. And the the stabilizer elevation resolver is mounted in front of the Rotor, between it and the composite gun shield.

The Trunnion Rotor mount on the 120mm gun is cast and hollow on the rear side, but set at an angle. The Resolver is mounted behind the Trunnion Rotor bearing mount on the M1A1 and later 120mm gun Abram’s tanks.

Many images















That is this piece, not the backside of the nera plates.

you can see how that matches


There is an additional plate in front of that

I’m talking about this piece

Using the same image as you, there isnt anything between the nera and the trunnion, the only thing that could be missing from the model in game is the small 5 mm at best plate before of rotor, the rest is hollow.
Opera Instantánea_2024-12-16_180025_upload.wikimedia.org

That piece would no longer exist on the M1A1 and later, as it would no longer be necessary, as the Resolver wouldn’t be there anymore. To be honest, the M1A1 model in game was made well before this document was found.

Sorry for the crude drawing, but there are two pieces there not one

That’s a Sep v2 pictured.

I first though that piece you are speaking of was not modeled, @SPANISH_AVENGER pointed out to me it was. Im saying there is an additional piece of armor mounted to that which is not modeled in game. It sits there screwed into that piece. I don’t know what it’s called.