A thread for documenting bugs regarding the F-117 Night Hawktuah, and the correlating sources

Yeah, its getting solid evidence for things like that, which would be of greater value I think than Aim-9 or Aim-7 for it.

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Yes, although even now, there’s thing we have hard evidence for that Gajin hasn’t implented, e.g RWR, making the nose camera functional, or allowing the belly camera to point backwards, and that’s what this thread is about.

Yeah, those are big issues for it.

Gaijins backlog is a major issue. Kinda wished they skipped a major update and then spend the 6 months focusing solely on bug reports for existing vehicles. There are 1-2 year old reports that are desperately needed to be fixed, just sat in a pile somehwere

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every bomber cockpit ever looking like roblox

Yeah… though they’ve said those arent coming. too much work and not enough people would see them (AKA, Sim doesnt matter)

But its thigs like the Harrier’s having sooty exhausts for example. Needs to be fixed.

Or an F-117 issues. F-5s on full AB being colder than an F-117. Would love for them to spend a few months totally overhauling how they model IR signatures

MBB Lampyridae - Wikipedia ???

It’s very discouraging seeing major bugs like these ruin amazing vehicles, whilst actual bug reports are crap like (x) missile had the wrong name or (x) hud element slightly overlapped other (x) hud element in cockpit view

Yeah, they have a very wierd priority system.

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