A Subtree for Israel


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A sub tree for Israel? How about a tech tree for Israel first?


Wise words, though not exactly reasoned - why not have both?

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Why no get one sorted properly and invest time and energy sensibly ? I want to play a good Israel tech tree I dont care about subtrees

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Fr there is so many cool israeli vehicles that can be added but no russia needs another spaa


True. Isreal is in a very unique situation and as a result has made some very unusual and unique vehicles for a specific type of war fought relatively close to home.
They should be concentrating on filling those tech trees and the gaps with in even if they duplicate vehicles with different skins like the Tiger pack but for free.


Snails have lost people’s trust… The Israeli and Chinese trees are similar in this respect, with many local designs on the one hand, and a desperate need for vehicles to at least compete with the Swedish and Russian meta vehicles on the other. However, it is difficult for players to trust Gaijin to add enough local designs in time, and they are worried that local designs may be biased, so implementing a faster and directly copy-pasted subtree of the current meta seems to be the only way.


Spyder AIO? PLB625E? SLAMRAAM? No, Russia needs Pantsir-S2!
Interestingly, the TOR-M1 on the Chinese tech tree has yet to be added to the Soviet tech tree, and its performance in 11.7 is clearly poor.


Like Israel ,China has so many gaps that could at least be filled with duplicates of existing vehicles but in interesting colour schemes like they did with the Tiger or like they did with the Premium Sherman for China which I bought because I loved the paint job.
They should just fill the gaps first with copy paste of existing Chinese tanks then when the gasp are filled go just replace them at a later date.

For example ,For Israel there is a three man M51 with the dorsal MG removed ,so they could put that in to bolster 6BR
They did it for Germany so they could do it for china but not charge ,just fill the tech tree.

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Therefore, the subtree is not the final solution (not intended to target the massacre), but it is indeed an effective solution.
Although copying and pasting existing vehicles can also alleviate the problem, I believe Gaijin will only [69.99$ package of random troop naming + camouflage net].
Based on this idea, I think the subtree should even give priority to copying and pasting or vehicles that may become meta, so that the balance shortcomings can be quickly made up.
Once enough native vehicles are released, and if the country itself is balanced enough, these subtree vehicles will either be completely removed and compensated as native vehicles, or become an independent technology tree like the Italian subtree ten years ago.

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unironically i was flabbergasted when china got the hq17 and israel got nothing but another namer…
we definitely did not need another namer, the most asked thing for the tree rn is new spaa

And rework for merkava armor

Never heard of it. Can you please lecture me about it and send me images and sources? Thank you!

Yes, of course. But there are cases where it is much more evident, such as China, Israel or Italy.

Eddie is right. Look at the case of Italy…
Would you rather have the Israeli TT replenished with (probably Soviet) C&P or would you rather have it get its own vehicles? It is not hard to imagine which option Gaijin will choose.

Israel still has 3 lines in the air and has 4 incomplete lines on the ground. In this situation, only a subtree of export vehicles is viable, but not as you suggested.
I mean, for example, TAM VCLC should go with the rest of the Argentine vehicles. In Germany, Israel or in a LATAM tree. Not separately.

I would rather have an export subtree, full of amazingly unique vehicles that I’ve been waiting for for years.

Well, if we can have both…

It sounds that you think they will do so anyway, so I am here to try and suggest a better option for them…

Agreed, disagreed.

I see no problem with that. As Gaijin stated, there will only be 10 main nations in WT. That means separating other nations wouldn’t affect the game - however, it would slightly upset Argetinian vehicles’ fans.

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I’ll just say:

1- gaijin never said that

2- the point of view of some Israeli nationalists is irritating.

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They stated the direct opposite

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Forget it
the guy pretends to be objective, pretends to speak for the community, validating its interests while believing himself to be the voice of the “people” and then calls nationalists those who think differently.
Who is more nationalist than a guy who asks that the subtree of Israel be… Israel?

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They did.
