A Line of Thai Aircraft for Japan!

For once ill give you real credit, gaijin. Thank you.


AIM-9P-4 doesn’t have IRCCM


the thing is the swedish gripen c is more expansive and needs more research than the other ones, the british even has better missles

good addition, japan really needs this.

could you clarify if the OCU is carrying aim120? iirc it can carry aim9, python 3 and aim120 irl. hopefully this comes as a 13.7 rather then a 12.7 but worse armament.


without these Japan would be basically useless until the F2, and that isn’t coming for a while. so be happy that Japan at least gets something that keeps them being competitive


I wouldnt mind if they did both, similar to Belgium ones maybe?

Also does anyone know what kind of camos does thai have for those planes?

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Either we’ll see in 6 years, or they’ll say why do you need a Fuji T-1 if you have an Alfa Jet?

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Did I say I was unhappy? I think you’ve assumed a lot from my post.

Maybe thai Oplot-T(Object 478DU9-T) as squadron vehicle?


Derby are worse than the aim120, Derby has no range

derby has less range, bit better G pull. worse then the aim120 overall from what ive used

Does it mean that u will get JAS39E for swe and jpn in the Christmas update?

ok, its just annoying to see people say “copy and paste” to literally every single devblog these days



Missed opportunity to add unique Mods and Aircraft such as OV-10C, T-28D, F-16A (e)MLU, T-50TH, F-5TH and OA-37B …

Besides F-5T, Alpha Jet TH and F-16A OCU, this tree is honestly disappointing, especially the Gripen is very unnecessary.


This is a great addition, but it begs the question… with the addition of tier V-VI attackers, as well as an F-16, does this mean we will finally see the removal of the fictional F-16AJ, and the R2Y2 jets as it was previously promised, since historical substitutes will now be available?

Perhaps the Thai aircraft could actually be spread out across the tree rather than one single line, to fill these tree gaps accordingly?


classic gaijin. Lots of copy paste or easy modification copy paste, little real new stuff


Who says those won’t come in the future?

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If only there was a way to stop these “copy paste” comments on devblog comments…

Do you think if they added unique airframes to the game these comments would stop?

Anyway, heres another subtree comprised entirely of airframes already in game!