Not even that anymore. You won’t be able to take the triple rack on the A-10C if you take the thermal pod on the hardpoint next to it.
oh thats an oof
Litening pod on right wing newer Litening II
I don’t know AGM-65 variant (while color)
AGM-65H (left wing) and AGM-65K or AGM-65L (right wing) ?
A fake pilot in a fake plane shoot a fake missile
Looks like the sniper pod on the side would have been cool to get that as an option.
*something something… Thats a Sniper pod and not the litening… report closed… banned for hate speech
I guess the question is if that’s an A-10A+ or A-10C?
Those 2 Mavs next to the TGP are TGM-65s. They do not launch from the Aircraft.
The Air Force’s TO states live Mavs will not be mounted next to the TGP on a LAU-88.
They can still be slant loaded on the other two rails. Though the inner rail of the lau88 is already rarely used irl because it burns the landing gear, so they’d just load a single mav on the single rail. Though that restriction isn’t in place in game so you should be able to take 5 mavs.
I agree with you. That being said gaijin mod already said no and per the TO he is correct.
Another thing to note is that the A-10C can carry the 6 AGM-65 along with the LANTIRN II POD and in the DevServer according to, it cannot carry the Lantirn II and the 6 AGM-65. It only lets you carry 3… and this is incorrect
“Lockheed Martin’s Sniper Advanced Targeting Pod (ATP) successfully demonstrated compatibility with the launch of a Maverick missile from an adjacent A-10C wing pylon. The ability to fire missiles so close to the Sniper ATP uniquely qualifies Sniper for this weapon configuration, doubling the previous A-10C Maverick loadout capabilities.”
What I read is that the TGP on A-10+ was on same station of maverick. The A10C mount TGP on outer station
That is an interesting find. However it still runs counter to a claim in a FM that is floating around from a later date. Might be worth digging into the source from there to see if you can find more information on it. Its also might be possible in newer manuals or ones dated from closer to that test, which is all we would really need.
The reasoning behind it not being allowed is probably the launch causing issues with the pod long term, but if it can be proven it was allowed at one point i dont see how that could be refuted. Its pretty analogous to airplanes pulling enough Gs to put them in the boneyard in every match.
The test is earlier than manual.This prove that A-10C can use full LAU-88 while TGP mounted.
What stop A-10C using it is administrative reason.
My guess is that the Sniper pod can be used with lau-88 but LITENING can’t.The AF don’t want to take the chance that some crew may mess up the pod model and burn the 1M USD pod
6 AGM-65H or AGM-65H2 on A-10C ?
A-10A+ armed AIM-9L sidewinder & AGM-65D Maverick like A-10A (late) but equiiped Litening II targeting pod, HUD from A-10C and armed GBU-12 Paveway II laser guided bomb. but can’t used JDAM
I am not sure if the weight is an issue with the LAU-88 because if you look at this under AGM-65F it mentions the LAU-88a as a launcher while the AGM-65F has the same SAP warhead and weighs about the same as the AGM-65G
The issue was never weight but concern of the rocket motor damaging the TGP. If they had run test with the LAU-88 without issue. (Which according to the article they did.) Gaijin could give the A-10C a sniper pod and the A-10 could use 6 mavericks instead of 4.
As a side note if they do add the sniper pod to the 10C and allow it the ability to carry 6 Maverick (preferably the H variant.) I see no reason the 10C can’t go to 11.7 for GRB
To me this one is really simple. Move the BR to 11.7 or 12.0 in ARB and remove the HMD slaving for AAM’s. People forget the potency of 9M’s or how effective the A-10A’s were on launch with 9L’s. The grind will probably be painful and long but by no means anywhere near impossible to spade. For ground it should be at 11.7 or 11.3. Someone made a good point that despite having such good armament options, it can’t use them as effectively as other aircraft because of the speed disadvantage (and thus inability to climb to higher altitude in a reasonable amount of time). The really good Mavericks will at best have 7km of effective range at a BR where SPAA can kill the A-10 on spawn if it didn’t have spawn protection. JDAM’s and GBU’s will have even less due to their weight and overall nature of the weapon.