Chonma-Ho I

1. Would you like to see this vehicle added to the game?
  • Yes
  • No
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2. If yes which variant or variants would you like?
  • Chonma-Ho 1A
  • Chonma-Ho 1B
  • Chonma-Ho 1 MANPAD
  • All of the Above
  • I voted no for the first question
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Brief Summary:

The Chonma-Ho translated to mean ‘Sky Horse’ or ‘Pegasus’ is a mysterious tank that appears during military parades and military exercise videos, although originally based from the T-62 it has seen various changes in it’s decades of service.


North Korea had been mostly using T-34’s during the Korean war in the early 1950’s and afterwards built up a stockpile of various other tanks from Soviet T-54/55’s, BMP-1’s and PT-76 to Chinese Type 59’s and Type 62’s the North Korean army had bolstered their forces. Although bolstered the North Koreans needed something more powerful to showcase in their parades as their prime MBT and to try and make themselves look powerful to the outside world.

The T-62 would make for the basis of what the Chonma-Ho family would be built upon however the origins are unknown but are suspected to have been based upon receiving T-62’s of the M-1967 variety and later Syrian T-62’s in the 1970’s on which to work and reverse engineer from. the Chonma-Ho can be split into two initial variants the Chonma-Ho 1A and the 1B their differences mainly comes down to when they are built in the timeframe of the North Korean’s knowledge with reverse engineering which would later being aided by Iran further down the series of tanks.


The Chonma-Ho 1A although being basically a cheap and poorly armoured T-62 down to the limitations of the North Korean industry and reverse engineering led this tank to have an identical interior to a regular T-62 however with a North Korean reverse engineered variant of the 115mm gun from the T-62 which made it a less capable two plane stabiliser compared to it’s Russian counterpart. The commanders cupola is slightly raised however cannot rotate unlike the T-62 it is based from, a Chinese DShK is used in the place of a Russian one and four vision blocks at the front of the vehicle with two more facing different directions on the turret hatch sides. The engine remains basically the same as a T-62’s V-55A generating 581 horsepower but the transmission is much bulkier.


The tank’s armour is much weaker than the T-62’s armour due to the quality of the reverse engineered North Korean than a Soviet produced piece of armour, the ammunition remains that of the T-62 with 4 ready rounds and the turret took 21 seconds to rotate a full 360°. due to the poor replications in many of the models the automatic case ejection systems tended to be unaligned and casings would regularly bounce around inside the vehicle instead of being ejected, this among other problems that plagued the tank such as needing to aim the gun 3.5° up to reload the gun and not being able to traverse the turret during reloading would not be traversable. The Chonma-Ho 1B alleviates the armour issue of the 1A to make the tank on par with a T-62 and usually also includes T-62’s into the variant.

The Chonma-Ho 1 would appear alongside the 2 and 3 in parades during the 1990’s in North Korea with a couple appearing in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in the 1980’s however these may of also just been regular T-62’s however they would eventually engage in the civil war after it sparked up in intensity at the end of the 1980’s and into the beginning of the 1990’s. The first few model would have 470 in total of the batch produced and would mainly be seen in military propaganda videos as additional tanks to showcase the propaganda might of the Hermit Kingdom.


Whilst This tank may be impressive to a nation like North Korea it was very outmatched even at the beginning of it’s production with the development of the K1 88 underway with it’s service starting in 1987 whilst it’s northern neighbour China would be in the midst of their Type 80 tank program eventually leading to the Type 96 whilst North Korea was left in the dark hoping for support it would not receive from the collapsing Soviet Union. Regardless of all that for a country like North Korea that has no access to much of the technology it’s neighbours would recieve the Chonma-Ho’s create an interesting line of desperation filled vehicles aimed to try and make North Korea look like it’s still got a powerful military when in reality it doesn’t.

Later variants of the Chonma-1A resolve to updating the 12.7mm AA machinegun to a 14.5mm KPM machinegun and some are equipped with MANPADS which are Iglas however those are operated by hand and are situated at the back of the turret most likely to be fired from an additional crew member situated on the engine deck.

MANPAD Chonma-1


Based on the Chonma-Ho 1B’s (T-62’s)

Dimensions (L-W-H): 6.63m x 3.52m x 2.4m (21’8’’ x 11’5’’ x 7’9’’ ft)

Total Weight: 40 tons (39.2 tons in the Chonma-Ho 1A)

Crew: 4

Propulsion: V-55 12 cylinder diesel engine, 581hp 2000rpm engine.

Transmission: 5 forward 1 reverse

clearance: 0.425

Power to Weight Ratio: 14.53hp/ton (14.82hp/ton for the 1A)

Suspension: Torsion Bar

Top Speed: 50km/h (31 mph)

Main Armament: 115mm U5TS (40 rounds)

Vertical Guidance: -6°/16°

Secondary Armament: 1x 7.62mm PKT (turret coaxial) (2500 rounds)
1x 12.7mm DShK (AA position) (500 rounds) (later the 14.5mm KPM)
optional 1x Igla MANPAD in later a later Chonma-Ho 1 variant

Stabiliser: Two Plane

Night Vision: Active IR, IR Searchlights

Armour: 102mm frontally at 60°, 79mm upper sides, 15mm lower sides, 46mm rear (hull)
214mm frontally, turret, 153mm sides 97mm rear, 40mm roof (Turret)
20mm bottom, 31mm hull roof

For the Chonma-Ho 1A reduce the armour to between 70-90% the thickness of a normal T-62 to replicate the North Korean quality of steel as there is no exact armour evaluation for this model yet due to the secretive nature of North Korean tanks.

Production: roughly 470

Additional Images
Tank Encyclopaedia impliction of the Chonma-Ho 1


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I’d put this either in a DPRK sub-tree for China or a unified Korean tech tree.

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Probably just get thrown in with china, like how Britain has the African and Sweden has finland


Where are you getting this information from?

  1. The supposed lack of armour has never been proven and seems to only be propaganda/false information to make NK tanks seem weaker. It’s never backed up by any sources. They almost certainly could make steel at roughly the same level as the T-62, I doubt it would be as drastic as you say later on.
There are some theories regarding the Ch’ŏnma’s armor being different to the T-62. There is no supporting evidence to the claim that the armor of early production Ch’ŏnmas was made of thinner armored plates than on the Soviet T-62. As it was a copy, the armor should have had the same thicknesses, even though the quality of the steel it was made from was probably lower than the Soviet equivalent. It seems that no foreign nation that operated the Ch’ŏnmas ever complained about thinner armor, or in general, the quality of the armor.

  1. North Korea never differentiated the early Ch’ŏnma variants. They are all called Ch’ŏnma; Ch’ŏnma I and II (the version with a LRF) weren’t differentiated, and I’ve never seen the 1A/1B designations anywhere else. Where did you get those from? Especially the claim the 1B suddenly had the same armour quality (not to mention the -Ho suffix and roman numeral designation being an American addition and not the real name)

Because they never gave them different names, I think they should be named as follows:


  • Base version, same characteristics as T-62 but with NK modifications like the different loader’s hatch

Ch’ŏnma (1986)

  • The rare version with the turret bustle, in your images as the one below

Ch’ŏnma (1992)

  • The “Chonma II”, with the LRF


Ch’ŏnma (1986)


Ch’ŏnma (1992)



Just give the NK tank the same “late war” armor mod that german tanks used to have, where it was a little bit weaker.

Really funny, love that Igla variant. Id say for balancing, itd have to be a higher BR for sure, and that there should be a little guy modeled on the engi deck which could be killed who is behind the igla

But then it’s a worse T-62 at the same BR, and I doubt the armour loss would be enought to justify a lower BR.

Trueee. But having a MANPAD on your T62 is pretty crazy, especially at the BR the T62 is…

But thats just my opinion. It would be the lowest tiered MANPAD i think

But it’s also just one MANPAD that probably doesn’t get a reload.

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Thats a good point. Does it not carry spares on board? It would depend how its modeled I think

Nothing I’ve read indicates it did, and I don’t know where they would be stored in the already fairly cramped T-62. Most North Korean tanks that do have them have 2 (either mounted together or separately at either side of the turret/vehicle in general), and I guess that’s deemed enough. This particular Ch’ŏnma is strange in that it only has 1, could just be for show.

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Interesting. Irregardless id love to see it in game, and in a balanced fair state for both parties to use/fight

North Korea’s industry was normal before the collapse of the Soviet Union, so this claim is quite a stretch.

The “miserable” North Korea we know is the result of not receiving any support from the Eastern Bloc after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

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Igla used by North Korea is the 9К310, an early model, they do not use the 9К38.

They use the 9K310, as well as a modified version called the HT-16PGJ:

However, the MANPADS currently seen in Syria shares the most resemblance with the older 9K310 Igla-1 (SA-16) system, but with the characteristic tricone nose mounted on the missile replaced with the more modern aerodynamic spike also seen on the 9K38 Igla (SA-18) and 9K338 Igla-S (SA-24) systems it is likely its performance has been improved.

The most significant other difference that allows the North Korean system to be discerned from it Soviet/Russian counterparts is the foreward placement of the thermal battery which powers the MANPADS.

HT-16PGJ is an export name, the North Korean name is Hwasungchong 3 (9К310).

It’s still a new variant, so I’d hesitate to say that they use the same 9K310 name for both the original and the new one.

I wrote this post a very long time ago so I may have some sources that are outdated (Example the updated tank encyclopedia post on the Chonma was made way after I had drafted this post).

The source used for the 1A and 1B claim is from this which is possible from new sources that I have found way after I had made this post being conflicting on other models due to the sparse information on the Chonma series of tanks. As listed in my sources used above: North Korean Tanks

I will update this post eventually but I’m quite busy right now and have a few drafts in the works for a couple of vehicles alongside bringing over the final old forums posts, please forgive anything that may be incorrect due to earlier limited sources.

No worries, it’s nothing personal, I know there’s a lot of false information about these vehicles online and just wanted to correct the record. I’ve got like 19 suggestion posts of my own on North Korean tanks pending approval here. o7

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I created my posts on the earlier chonmas for the old forums + the 323 then moved them over here, you should hopefully get your posts approved soon (probably will happen after November they like accepting posts after the passed to devs stuff is done at the end of the month), I was going to create a post on the Koksan but I got busy and priorities changed with it going behind getting the Belgium T13 post I had made recreated for the new forums alongside a few American planes and ground vehicles that I had in the works.