Yea it is 13.3/.7 material. That its why i would agree with people that want it on the R. Tree. If gaijin don’t add the Su-35s fast enough. But it shouldn’t be 14. Unless gaijin move the RAFALE and Eurofighter UP.
Seeing as it’s essentially a better Su-30M, to say it would be the second best behind the Su-35S is a little disingenuous. It has a worse radar than the Su-30SM, worse munitions due to its timeframe, and that’s ignoring the Su-30SM2.
It absolutely does not. You’re losing about 15kN of power per engine when you go from AL-41F-1S to AL-31FP.
Seeing as it can get R-77s, thrust vectoring engines, and the enlarged airframe with canard performance… I wouldn’t put it at 13.3. It’s a 14.0 minimum, granted with a bit of decompression to put it alongside like aircraft.
Why not? Its maneuverability can rival the Typhoon (granted the Flanker FM as a whole is fixed, or they build it from the ground up from different research material) while also getting a pretty healthy 12 pylons for weaponry. You have R-27EAs, R-77s, R-74Ms… It’s a great entry point for most post-soviet missile developments or simply technologies.
Su-37 would be probably 13.7-14.3, depending on the load out gaijin decides to give it. I agree with foxx, anyone saying it should be lower than 13.7 is absolute coping. Much better than the su27sm in terms of wvr flight performance while having the same or better missiles. It simply cannot go lower than 13.7. Personally, I think it should be 14.0 minimum. Having a great radar (no11m pesa bars) plus having lots of missiles while also being one of the best if not the best dog fighting performance (should be able to easily one circle and shoot off r73m or r77).
Don’t it use the same radar as Su-30sm? both use Bars. Unless the Bars on SM was modernize. It should be the same radar.
Yea i knew that it flew with AL-31FP. But AL-37FU was design for it and supposedly tested on it;
First Three test specimens were built, the first of which was ready ground tests in 1994. Thanks to China’s order for several Su-27s with AL-31F engines, there was enough money to test the remaining two engines on the Su-37 demonstration aircraft (prototype designation T-10M-11, No. 711). They were installed in 1995. Main flight test program took place in the area of Zhukovsky airport - first part (46 flights) was carried out between 2 April and 28 August 1996, part two It was completed at the end of the same year.
I Really don’t like talk about missile. Its to gaijin what missile they decide to introduce to the game. That its why it fine as a 13.3/13.7. But I also don’t see the Su-30sm as a 14.0
Yup, somehow got mixed up on that. Both the 30SM and Su-37 use the N011M.
The AL-31FP still produce less than the AL-41F-1S, though. Both the AL-35F and AL-37FU produce 143kN of thrust, matching the AL-41F-1, though the eventual AL-31FP that arose for the succeeding Su-30 lineage still sat at well below the thrust output of later engines.
They had only gained this thrust when the AL-41F-1 development came into fruition in '98, and by '01 the AL-37FU was pushing out the same thrust (within a 1.5% margin) as the AL-41F-1.
The Su-37’s original engines would put it FAR behind. When the AL-37FU was eventually tested on the platform, the AL-41F-1 was already finishing up its development and being procured for the T-10BM.
Agreed there, though adding an Su-37 without R-77s is like adding an F-16E without AIM-120s. It’s a turn-of-the-century aircraft that was one of the first of its family to implement groundbreaking technologies, and to rob it of its biggest benefits would be insane.
I could understand entirely ruling out the R-27EA, or even limiting it to the Su-35 as that was the sole testbed of the missile… But completely dropping R-77 possibilities on a modern aircraft is something else.
Su-30SM wouldn’t be anywhere near 14.0, agreed there. At the minimum it’d need 14.7-15.0 to thrive in an environment that would come BEFORE current limits are decompressed.
Su-35 is other name for Su-27M which were only prototype.
I rather think russian are low on some of parts or something i don’t want to guess bc i’m not an aircraft engineer. But many they proritize Su-35S over Su-30SM2 idk.
Yes i know but i was refering to currect use in Ukraine.
Yea Al-31FP its the same engine on Su-30SM… Also what are the difference between Al-37FU and Al-41F-1. Both are derivative of the AL-31F with AL-41(izd20 Mig1.42/4) tech.
As I see it, this aircraft is basically a modernized Su-33, it’s definitely not better than the Su-30SM.
They use the exact same avionics hardware???
Idk, i have to search for that
And not the same as the AL-37FU, which had incorporated improvements from the AL-31FM program (something that took direct influence from Rybinsk developments) and the Izd. 20 itself. The entire AL-35F and AL-37FU development was a bridge to the next generation of Lyulka motors, and both had technologies that progressed further towards the Izd. 117.
The AL-37FU was an improvement to the AL-31FM (AL-35F) that solved the issue of decreased maneuverability despite better thrust/weight over previous engines. They took the Rybinsk AL-41F '20 information found from high-compression testing and implemented it into the 13/2 core layout that previous Lyulka motors had implemented. It resulted in the AL-35F and onwards having a larger inlet fan and different blade design, which was analogous with the later AL-41F-1.
Definitely derivatives of the AL-31, and definitely incorporating tech from it, though I wouldn’t at all lump the Izd. 20 development in with contemporary AL-31/35/37 designs. It stood for little more than improving on design theory.
If you’re thinking to compare to the AL-31FP to the AL-41F-1, think of the improvements made to the AL-35 (inclusion of AL-41F '20 tech) with the AL-100 nozzle from the AL-37FU.
I wouldn’t quite go as far as to say it’s a modernized Su-33, as the T-10K and T-10M developments have little to no relation. Experience learned from canard design and the enlarged airframe used on the T-10K were somewhat implemented, though focus primarily went into avionics suite and engines rather than airframe.
In 1990s iterations it would absolutely be better than an Su-30M2, though come the late '90s and early '00s I would definitely say it is superior to the Su-30SM.
How about we let F2P players - like me - have some fun, and have some of their favorite vehicles (KV-7, IS-7, IAR-93B, Yak-3 VK-107, Merkava Mk.3D, etc. etc.) be COMPLETLEY free?
For me The IS-7 Is the hard proof that there its not Russian Bias on this game… The Maus was the sole “king” of Grounds Battles for years with a lot of prototype stuff on German tree. It should have face the IS-7. But gaijin took forever to add it. And when they finale did. It was in the most painful event ever. It come to late that for people like me, that only play top tier. It was useless. The most powerful vehicle of it time that would have shape the meta at it tier. Was never able to do so. Because imo gaijin its too afraid of being called “RusSian BiAs”.
Same has happens with Obj187. It will come in a event in one or two years. When the game has already move on to better toys…
This is why i don’t want the Su-37 to be an event vehicle its too cool to just let it rust. At least as a premium i would use it to grind other stuff or just farm Silver.
They all should be researchable.
Su-37 should be an event vehicle. It wasn’t mass produced (though you could say the same of the Yak-141 which was also due to the collapse of the Soviet Union). I say event vehicle because there is no place for it in the USSR tech tree. Everything about its capabilities put it near Su-35 territory and we haven’t even gotten through most of the “early” Flanker variants yet.
There are tons of options for Rank 8 premiums for USSR… I can’t think of any off the top of my head but there are numerous MiG-29/Su-27 and the like-variants of each that Gaijin could just as easily choose from.
No they can’t.
Also it’s a technology demostrator, so it’s the Soviet version of EAP.