5 reasons why Su-37 Terminator should be first soviet rank 8 premium jet

Soviet top tier jets is very underperfomed now and even so they also lack of top tier premium for efficient grind. US have their rank 8 prem so only way to solve it - make Su-37 Terminator the first soviet rank 8 premium jet! It’s addition is inevitable anyway, so why not? Here the 5 reason why Gaijin should make it premium vehicle.


1. It's prototype vehicle. Only 1was built (F-20 Tigershark was built 3 units)


2. It would close the performance gap between current outdated soviet top tier and potentially upcoming Su-30s, Su-35, etc.

3. Very familiar frame and weapons so it would be very easy to add for devs.


4. 200% that people want it as premium.


5. Gaijin, dont you need excess money?




How about no?
Don’t need more clueless newbies in top tier.


Newbies is yummy, no?

no flares
1 (2)

Let it be an event vehcile USSR already has too many premiums overall…

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Sorry but how is this your problem?? You got the kill… I dont get it???

no, i really dont want braindead wallet warriors flying one of the best airframe ever made for the ussr tt


It’s not a newbies fault.

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No. It’s totally pointless as event vehicle.

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You could say this around a year ago before Gaijin come with this unstoppeable additions of high tier vehicles.

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Then just play with your friends or your squad…Why expect anything from randoms?

Remember saying they won’t add top tier premiums?
I do, that was a lie.
Top tier ground is a shitshow.
Yesterday my Leopard 2A6 has things like T-34, KV-1 and Panzer 4s in my team after their first deaths.

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Not only ground, I was excepting you mentioning air with things like the F-20 Thundershark and the AJ-37 Viggen Di, but the same is happening with ground, undoubtely.



My bad.

Could they pull a Yak-141 or was it never intended to have flares?

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just add to the game… no matter how…

the yak-141 was intended for military service but the su-37 was mostly a technology demonstrator for things like TVC i believe

empty spaces for flares/chaff


Would be better in the tt imo, Need more variety instead of the same damn planes every game.