Oshkosh JTLV RS6 - RS6 with Pure 30mm Cannon


TYPE: Joint Light Tactical Vehicle/Light Tank


  • 1x Kongsberg RS6 remote controlled weapon station
    -Weight excl. Weapon & Ammunition: 342kg
    -Height excl. Weapon & Ammunition: 830 mm
    -Cameras / Sensors: Flexibility to meet customers day, night and LRF requirements
    -Dynamic Capabilities: Azimuth 360º unlimited range, Elevation -20º to +60º

    • -Primary weapon: 1x 30x113mm M230LF Chain Gun
      -Placement: integrated in the Kongsberg RS6 turret
      -Ammunition: Fires HEDP, TP, HEI-T, & NATO 30mm ammo
      -Rate of Fire: Single Shot, Burst, Full Automatic: 200 SPM
      -Clearing Method: Cook off safe / open bolt
      -Safety: Absolute Hangfire Protection
      -Case Ejection: Side

Gross vehicle weight: 10,200 kg
Length: 6.2 m
Width: 2.5 m
Height: 2.6 m
Crew: 1 + 3 in individual seats + optional gunner (I + 1; M1279 Utility)
Armor: Classified (A-kit/B-kit configuration)
Engine: 6.6 L Gale Banks Engineering 866T V8 400 hp
Transmission: Allison 2500SP 6-speed automatic
Suspension: Oshkosh TAK-4i independent suspension
Operational range: 480 km
Maximum speeds
Road: 110 km/h
Reverse: 3 km/h
Steering system: Power-assisted, front wheels

In February 2017 Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace as the world leading supplier of remote controlled weapon stations revealed their latest’s developments at the Orbital ATK Bushmaster User Conference. This event and demonstration with live firing took place in the United States of America on February 1rst in Arizona. In this demonstration we saw the Oshkosh JTLV - “Joint Light Tactical Vehicle” armed with an 30x113mm M230LF chain gun integrated in an Kongsberg Protector Remote Station RS6 and an GDLS LAV with the integrated Kongsberg Protector Remote Turret RT40. The GDLS LAV with the RT40 was the centerpiece of the demonstration as they wanted to show its ability to so called “up gun” the vehicle from the 30×173mm cannon to the new barrel with the 40x180mm super ammunition with airburst.

This suggestion is for the Oshkosh JTLV with the Kongsberg Protector RS6 and the single 30x113mm M230LF Cain gun integrated. From what I’ve seen the only variant of the JTLV with the RS6 with only the 30mm cannon is this and without any further configurations on the vehicle, and its a combination put together by Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace and used in this demonstration for the international audience. The vehicle has 1-2 seats for controlling the weapon station, those are located in the rear seats usually on the left side.

The vehicle, the Oshkosh JTLV is an Joint Light Tactical Vehicle designed by the American Oshkosh company designed in 2011 for the JTLV program and won this in 2015, in 2019 full rate production were allowed. This vehicle was intended to deliver comparable armor to its heavier mine resistant counterparts, and be much more reliable and mobile/maneuverable. It is at the moment used in around 8 nations and a lot more potential users.

I believe this could be implemented under Norway either in a subtree within the current SWE/FIN Tec tree or in a new tree featuring Norway and Denmark. With this M230LF cannon it can be able to fire airburst ammunition, making it a great tool against low flying aircraft, and it does have the ability to fight light enemy armor, This with its great mobility and power could make for a great and fun light tank or SPAA in-game.

AMMUNTION 30x113mm

  • LW30 XM1198 HEDP-SD

  • LW30 XM1211 HEP/PROX

  • LW30 M789 HEDP

  • 30x113mm HEDP
    HEDP: High Explosive Dual Purpose anti-tank / fragmenting warhead

  • 30x113mm HEI-T
    -HEI-T: High-explosive incendiary

  • NATO 30mm ammo

  • Weapon can be reconfigured to fire electric primed ammunition such as M788 and M789



Main source, article by Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace
Increased firepower - KONGSBERG
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Information about the Oshkosh JTLV background history and specs
Joint Light Tactical Vehicle - Wikipedia

Datasheet for the RS6 weapon station PDF file

Nammo datasheet of Ammunition specs and information


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