- Yes, as a tech tree vehicle.
- Yes, as an event vehicle.
- Yes, as a squadron vehicle.
- Yes, as a premium vehicle.
- No
- China.
- Soviet.
- Japan (ASEAN Subtree).
- I said no.
- 5.7
- 6.0
- 6.3
- 6.7
- 7.0
- 7.3
- I said no.
This is a modification to the M113 ACAV that replaced the 106mm M40 with the SPG-9T2, the M2 Browning with an NSV and the M1919/M60 with PKM.
In late 1961, the US provided financial support and various weapons to the ARVN, including 2 companies of M113. Initially used as a “Battlefield Taxi,” the M113 faced challenges in Vietnam’s jungle and urban environments due to its thin aluminum armor and exposed M2 mount. This vulnerability was highlighted during the Battle of Ap Bac, where at least 14 M2 gunners were sniped.
With their experience, the ARVN try to fix the issue with makeshift gunshield and extra armor plate for the side and belly made from wrecks of ship and later on, other armored vehicles. Additional M60 or M1919 mounted to the aft for improved firepower. This field modification was later standardize for M113 in US service. In 1965, the ACAV ( Armored Cavalry Assault Vehicle) upgrade package “A” were standardized and mass-produced in the US and Okinawa, most kits were installed on the field but some were also installed for vehicle in the US. The M113 could now be seen as an IFV and are much more suitable for the Vietnam war. Some ACAVs were also mounted with recoiless rifle for when the extra firepower where needed.

After the war, the PAVN captured numerous weapons and armored vehicles from the ARVN, including several hundred M113 ACAV, some of which were equipped with the 106mm M40 recoilless rifle. These vehicles were utilized in various subsequent conflicts, such as the Cambodian–Vietnamese War. Unfortunately, due to extensive use and a lack of spare parts, it is estimated that only about 200 M113s remain in active service.
Now for our main subject: On May 23, 2014, several modified M113s were tested at K3 test range in the 9th Military Zone. These modifications included replacing the M2 machine gun with the NSV, the M60/M1919 with the PKM, and the M40 recoilless rifle with the SPG-9T2. This appears to be an attempt at “Vietnamization,” adapting the M113 to use locally made weapons and ammunition,
Dimensions: 4.86x2.68x2.5 m
Weight: 12.3 tons
Crews: 5 (Commander, Driver, Gunner)
Engine: Detroit 6V53T, diesel 275 np (205 kW) 2226
Transmission: Allison TX-100-1 3-speed automatic
Speed: 42 mph (68 km/h) roadf3.6 mph (5.8 kph) swimming
Suspensions: Torsion bars
Range: 300 milCS/480
Armor: 38-12mm
1x 12.7mm NSVT Machine Gun
1x 7.62mm PKM (can be removed)
1x 73mm SPG-9T2 (shells: PG-9VNT, PG-9V, PG-9VS, PG-9VNT, PG-9N, OG-9VM HE-Frag, OG-9V)
In game:
This would be an 6.3-7.3 TD due to it firing the same projectiles as the 2a28 Grom found on the BMP-1 with access to modern tandem HEATFS and a decently mobile chassis.
For the ACAVs:
M113 Armored Personal Carrier (1954)
M-113 – Wikipedia tiếng Việt
Very Tiny Wars: May 2015
For the M113 (SPG-9):
Hé mở nơi chế tạo sát thủ diệt tăng SPG-9T2 Việt Nam