- Yes
- No
Altay is a third-generation Turkish main battle tank based on South Korean K2 Black Panther. Design and development of the tank was undertaken by Otokar with assistance and technology transfer from Hyundai Rotem. Project started in 2008 with agreement between Otokar and Hyundai Rotem for development, assistance, and technology transfer for a main battle tank to be produced in Turkey. After approximately 10 years of design and development, Otokar submitted their final offer for serial production, subsequently refused by Undersecretariat of Defence Industry. Within the same year, BMC awarded with contract for mass production of Altay.
Design and Development
Altay is product of The National Tank Production Project (MİTÜP) which was initiated in late 1990s to establish independent tank production and maintenance capabilities also acquire know-how for “National Tank”. Undersecretariat for Defense Industries approached Otokar as local partner, and an agreement signed between them in 2007. Otokar quickly set out to seek help from experienced foreign partner for design and development. In 2008 Otokar and South Korean firm Hyundai Rotem reached an agreement in 2008 and development started.
Otokar during Phase-I (Design and Prototype Production) produced five prototypes with ASELSAN electronic sub-systems, ROKETSAN armor package and MKE tank gun. Otokar also produced private venture prototype. In 2012, first two prototypes FTR and MTR rolled out from production facility and revealed to public in Sakarya. In 2015 two more prototypes, PV1 and PV2, produced for extensive mobility, firing and weather tests, which shows satisfactory results. Sometimes between 2012 and 2015, BHT prototype was produced and used in ballistic tests. In 2017, Otokar showcased last two of their Altay prototypes in 2017 IDEF defense fair, Altay AMT and Altay AHT. AHT was based on PV2 prototype and was pinnacle of Otokar’s design. AHT was produced with the experiences gained from Operation Euphrates Shield to create a tank fitting in urban and close-quarter engagements. AHT supports heavier armor, a dozer blade and sub-system which aims to increase overall survivability and situational awareness of the tank. Otokar’s prototypes are as follows:
● MTR, Mobility Test Rig
● FTR, Firing Test Rig
● BH&T, Ballistic Hull, and Turret
● PV1&2, Prototype Vehicle ⁽ˀ⁾
In 2010, Otokar signed contract with MTU and RENK for EuroPowerPack for 5 units. Further engine acquisition block by German arms embargo on Turkey. With BMC’s acquisition of program, Otokar handed over 4 remaining prototypes, barring AHT, to BMC. BMC upgraded PV1 based prototype with ASELSAN’s AKKOR APS and revealed it alongside Leopard 2A4 mated with FTR turret during the visit of Minister of National Defense, in 2021. Withing same year at IDEF 2021 both vehicles were presented to public eye.
Altay PV1
FTR, Firing Test Rig, is the second prototype of Altay which was produced and tested as part of Phase-I of Altay Project. FTR’s production started around the same time with MTR on 2011. FTR completed before its fire control systems and main gun prepared which delayed firing tests to further date. FTR revealed alongside MTR before it saw any testing.
On November 2011, FTR alongside MTR was presented to government officials for the first time in Otokar facilities. On 2012 Otokar’s Arifiye facilities, FTR and MTR made their very first public appearance, during this appearance both vehicles showcased their on-road and off-road capabilities. One year late in 2013, Altay for the first time fired its main gun with FTR live firing tests finally started.
PV1 is the first of two detailed prototypes of Altay Main Battle Tank. After successful tests of preliminary prototypes, FTR and MTR, Otokar was green lighted for two identical detailed prototypes, PV1 and PV2. As part of Phase-I of the project, these two detailed prototypes were subjected extensive tests including live firing, driving and harsh/cold weather tests. PV1 was mainly used in driving and harsh/cold weather tests while PV2 conducted live firing tests. PV1 completed 10.000 kilometre endurance test in different terrain and weather conditions that a tank could encounter and passed all tests successfully with superior performance. PV1 and PV2 were identical tanks without any notable differences and were production ready prototypes of Altay.
General Specifications
Altay’s main armament is MKE 120mm L/55 smoothbore cannon which is based on Hyundai WIA CN08. MKE tailored WIA’s design to meets requirements of Altay Project. Main difference between MKE’s and Hyundai’s gun design is that MKE’s design does not have mechanism for autoloader unlike WIA’s design. MKE 120mm L/55 is compatible with all NATO standard 120mm rounds. PV1 and PV2 secondary armament consists of co-axial 7.62mm machine-gun and 12.7mm heavy machine-gun on SARP remote controlled weapon system. Fire control system is ASELSAN’s state-of-art VOLKAN-II New Generation Fire Control System. It was specifically designed for Altay Project and also integrated into Leopard 2A4NG prototype.

SARP Remote Controlled Weapon Station
SARP is a compact, remotely operated stabilized weapon platform with high-precision surveillance capabilities and superb firepower. It can be integrated onto vehicles or fixed posts to provide firepower against air, ground, and asymmetric threats. SARP has ability to mount 7,62mm machine-gun, 12.7mm heavy machine-gun and 40 mm automatic grenade launcher in accordance with the operational needs.
Main Features
• Laser Range Finder
• Day and Night Imaging
• Gyro Aided Stabilization
• Automatic Target Tracking
• Automatic Ballistic Calculation
• Shoot-On-the-Move Capability for Stationary and Moving Targets
Brochure with More Information
PV1 & PV2 is powered by EuroPowerPack which consists of MTU MT883 KA-501 Diesel Engine with 1500 horsepower coupled with RENK HSWL 295TM transmission. This gives PV1 excellent top speed of 70 km/h with 27 hp/t power-to-weight ratio. Although Otokar and MTU signed a contract for proven EuroPowerPack in 2010, German Federal Arms Embargo against Turkey prohibited anymore sales to Turkey. Only five units delivered to Otokar four of which used on their prototypes. Fate of the fifth unit is currently unknown, but thought to be handed over to SSM alongside their prototypes.
Altay's EuroPowerPack
Armor package of Altay Project is based on K2 Black Panther’s KSAP. Armor package modified and developed by ROKETSAN with Boron Carbide elements to meets specifics of Altay Project. It is said to offer better ballistic protection than the original armor package though further information about protection levels is stays classified. Armor tests was done with prototype designated as BH&T, Ballistic Hull and Turret, and presumed destroyed during tests, there are no photographs of this armor test rig.

Specifications of KSAP
Armor Scheme
Otokar’s Altay Brochure
- Crew: 4
- Dimensions and Weight
- Mass: 55 Tons
- Length: 7.7 m
- Width: 3.6 m
- Height: 2.5 m
- Armament
- Main Armament: MKE 120mm L/55 Smoothbore Cannon
- Secondary Armament:
• Co-Axial FN MAG 7.62mm Machine Gun
• SARP Remotely Controlled Weapon Station Mounted M2HB 12.7mm Heavy Machine-Gun - Ammunition Capacity
∙ 40 120mm Cannon Rounds
∙ 10,000 7.62mm Co-Axial Machine-Gun
∙ 3,200 12.7mm Machine-Gun Rounds
- Mobility
- Engine: MTU MT883 KA-501, Diesel Engine 1500 Horsepower
- Transmission: ENK HSWL 295TM Automatic Transmission, 5 Forward, 3 Reverse
- Suspension: In-Arm
- Maximum Speed: 70 km/h
- Power to Weight: 27 hp/t
- Protection
- Hull Armor: ROKETSAN Boron Carbide Armor Based on KSAP
- Active Protection System: None
- Smoke Grenades: 16x
- Accessories
- Night Sight
∙ Gunner
∙ Commander
∙ Driver - Thermal Sight
∙ Gunner
∙ Commander - CITV
- Laser Range Finder
- Laser Warning Receiver
- 360° Close Range Surveillance System
- Hunter-Killer Capacity (Commander’s Override)
- Night Sight
Implementation to War Thunder
All of the Altay variants/models should be reserved for future Turkish Tech Tree. Altay PV1 with excellent mobility and high firepower would be highly competitive high tier vehicle. BR-wise I would say it would fit somewhere around
high firepower would make it a viable back-up vehicle for high tier line-ups. BR-wise I would say it would fit around somewhere between 11.3 to 11.7 Battle Rating.
Additional Photos

Otokar's Altay Teaser
PV1 & PV2 Tests
Altay (main battle tank) - Wikipedia. - General Info
https://www.military-today.com/tanks/altay.htm - General Info
https://www.army-technology.com/projects/altaymainbattletank/ - General Info
Otokar Altay Main Battle Tank (MBT) - General Info
Altay main battle tank (2012) - General Info
Altay Ana Muharebe Tankı – Millisavunma.com - General Info
Milli tank 'Altay' tanýtýldý - Güncel - Otokar’s Altay Reveal
ALTAY Seri Üretime Hazır Hale Gelince Süreç Ne Olacak? - Prototypes and Road Map
https://www.savunmahaber.com/en/otokar-submitted-final-offer-for-serial-production-of-altay-main-battle-tank/ - Otokar’s Production Offer
Altay tankı üretim tarihi belli oldu: Testler başladı! - ShiftDelete.Net - Serial Production Date Speculations
MKE 120 mm gun - Wikipedia - MKE 120 mm L/55
ALTAY zırhında mükemmel uyum | SavunmaSanayiST - Armor
ALTAY Tankının En Büyük Silahı - Bor Karbür, Boron Karbid (B4C) Zırh - Armor
Altay Tankının Özellikleri | Turkish Defence Agency. - Armor
https://archive.md/dFVf7 - KSAP
http://samyangct.com/eng/lab/?ckattempt=3. - KSAP
https://www.savunmasanayi.org/altay-tanki-aselsan-sistemleri-ile-daha-guclu/ - Sub-Systems
https://www.aselsan.com.tr/Main_Battle_Tank_4342.pdfhttps://www.aselsan.com.tr/Main_Battle_Tank_4342.pdf - Sub-Systems
https://en.defenceturk.net/taks-new-generation-fire-control-system/ - TAKS FCS
The FTR Mobile Fire Tests are Proceeding in the Altay Program - Defence Turkey Magazine - FTR and PV2 Firing Tests
https://www.armyrecognition.com/april_2017_global_defense_security_news_industry/mass_production_of_turkish-made_altay_main_battle_tank_mbt_will_start_in_may_2017_11204173.html - Various Information (Specific of co-axial machine-gun etc.)
Altay Suggestions’ List
Altay AHT
Altay FTR
Altay MTR
Altay PV1
Altay PV2 (2015)
Altay PV2 (2017)
Altay T1 (2019)
Altay T1 (2021)
Altay FTR (2023)
Altay T1 (BATU)
Altay T1