Give AIM-9M to F-14B

lol just a lil


No. F-14B is better at 12.0 than at 12.7.
Just wait for F-14D.
AIM-9Ms are the 2nd best missile in WT behind AAM-3 for Japan.

Mig-29s with R-73s are 12.7 as well.


Id guess more like 12.3 alongside the F-15A

Quite the understatement I dare say, they were stupid enough to compare the R-60M with the AIM-9M, a comparison between an all aspect missile whose flare resistance is so close to nonexistent it’s hard to even notice it has flare resistance, and the other whose flare resistance is so strong it feels like I am dealing with something that is one step away from a TY-90.

I agree.
I would add a F-14A late with all the capabilities to fulfill a 12.0 role, and then give the F-14B the 9Ms and move it to 12.3/12.7.

What does F-14A late improve on F-14A Early?

9L ¯_(ツ)_/¯ idk. All I know is we gotta F-14A early so where’s our late one gaijin hahaha
There were some F-14As upgraded to F-14B standards, they were called “F-14A upgrade”, so don’t see why we can’t get one of those and call them the late variant :P

Again why? F-14D exists and would bring a superior radar as well.

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that one made him silent

watch it be a premium

wouldn’t that even bring AMRAAMs?

The F-14A Late could serve as a half step between the current F-14A Early (still waiting for an introductory config F-14A) and F-14B?

It would also theoretically bring systems like the TCS and TGP (as well as theAIM-9L and / or -9M), being backported onto a slightly weaker platform(worse engines & adjusted DECM layout) and provide a replacement to allow for the F-14B to be moved up with no issues caused by the increase in BR should the improved armament make it necessary, while still leaving a gap available for an F-14D to be added w/ or w/o the AIM-120 / AIM-7P / AIM-9M, etc.


F-14B serves as the step between F-14A and F-14D.
F-14A Late isn’t a necessity since it’s 0.3 BR between A and B.
Especially since F-14A is worse at dogfighting than the B.

Alright, ill put my 2 cents here to explain the missiles sense the 2 up above are arguing bout it.

Aim-9m’s need to be used properly for them to use their irccm.
The way they work is basically guessing where your plane will be once you flare. The longer the flare is in the seeker, the longer it has to guess. So firing a 9m while in a head on/chasing an enemy will fool the missile most of the time. Launching the missile while the enemy is perpendicular is usually the best and most efficient option. They can still be fooled however if the enemy dumps enough flares, usually around 50 or more flares if they use reinforced flares.

r-73’s: iirc, this guy’s irccm is shrinking it’s seeker to only focus on its main target. The closer you are to an enemy, the better the change of landing a hit and not falling for a flare. Fooling these guys only requires you to put a flare between you and the missile’s seeker head/your engine. Just try and keep the missile over 2km away for a moderate chance to fool it. Any closer and it wont see anything else except you unless your lucky

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The gap between the F-14B as it is now and a potentially fully kited F-14D is almost certainly going to be larger than .3, considering that its ordnance(AIM-120, AIM-7P, AIM-9M / -9R etc.) and sensors(APG-71 and AAS-42) are upgraded across the board.

and as such refitting the F-14B with better stores and increasing the BR at the same time creates a gap, which could be filled by the F-14A Late and so neatly slot into an unbroken span of F-14’s filling out 11.7 though 12.7.

It provides additional (non-premium) TGP availability in the tech tree, especially below 12.7 (to replace the F-14B that would be moving up to 12.3) so is valuable, since they won’t add said capability to any of the other airframes that could for reasons.

Isn’t that one of the things that people complain about is the F-14B’s dogfight performance? (since they won’t fix the Slats, or other mechanization limits), and so the F-14A being worse is, in effect decompression.


F-14D with AMRAAMs would be 13.0 as it can only carry 4 - 6 AMRAAMs allegedly, it’d be F-16 equivalent.
So no the gap would be minor.
F-14B’s dogfight performance is among the best in War Thunder.

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no mig 29 at 12.0 has r60m lmao

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And this was the first plane to have ARH missiles, and currently is still the only. If you don’t understand the power of the ARH missile, it’s better than your 9M if your playing it smartly.

It has further advancements, technically Aim-120 capability, and possibly later Aim-9M blocks. Should be the furthest end of the line tomcat with the most modern capabilities, I just want the gaps to be filled and more viable BR options to be possible for player choice.